
miscellaneous fish Learn more about miscellaneous fish

  • There are six ways to remove miscellaneous fish from ponds.

    There are six ways to remove miscellaneous fish from ponds.

    There are six ways to remove miscellaneous fish from ponds.

  • Four ways to get rid of wild fish

    Four ways to get rid of wild fish

    When adding water, changing water and feeding water plants in intensive ponds, it is inevitable to mix with wild miscellaneous fish or eggs, such as meal strips, wheat ear fish, crucian carp, Loach, grass shrimp and so on. These wild miscellaneous fish not only have strong grazing ability, large food intake and low economic value, but also reproduce fast. in addition, snakehead, catfish and other carnivorous ferocious fish can also swallow farmed seedlings. Therefore, various measures must be taken to eliminate wild miscellaneous fish in culture management. 1. Kill the wild miscellaneous fish in the pond beforehand, drain the pond water before restocking, let the bottom of the pond freeze in the sun for a period of time, and then add 20: 3.

  • What bait is used for fishing in spring

    What bait is used for fishing in spring

    Spring is the best season of the year for fishing, and the fish are very active in spring. As long as you choose the bait, you can catch the big fish in minutes. So, what kind of bait is better for fishing in spring? Let's take a look at it together. Earthworms and red worms are commonly used for fishing in spring.

    2020-11-11 Spring fishing use what bait spring is one mid-year
  • Small miscellaneous fish processing method

    Small miscellaneous fish processing method

    1. Raw materials: 1. Main ingredient: miscellaneous fish. It is better to weigh 150 to 200 grams. two。 Excipients: glutinous rice, sandwiched lean meat, Chinese wolfberry, Coix seed, carrot, sweet corn, mushroom. 3. Ingredients. Sugar, refined salt, soy sauce, rice wine, ginger, star anise (star anise), cinnamon, etc. Second, the technological process: raw material small fish → peeling → head, visceral → washing → raw material filling → sauce cooked → heat preservation → cooling → vacuum packaging → quick-frozen → box storage. Third, processing technology 1. Initial processing.

  • What kind of feed does mullet eat?

    What kind of feed does mullet eat?

    Mullet eats fresh animal feed based on wild miscellaneous fish and artificial compound feed based on fish meal. Among them, fresh animal feed is mainly fed with some wild miscellaneous fish, shrimp, small belt fish, green (yellow) catfish, small fish, tube fish and so on, occasionally mixed with earthworms and the lower feet of livestock and poultry slaughtering.

    2020-11-11 Mullet eat what feed mullet wild miscellaneous fish mainly
  • How to remove sundries from lobster ponds

    How to remove sundries from lobster ponds

    How to remove sundries from lobster ponds

  • High-density culture technology of mandarin fish, one of the four culture models is suitable for you.

    High-density culture technology of mandarin fish, one of the four culture models is suitable for you.

    There are mainly four ways of high density culture of mandarin fish: special pond culture, interculture, interception culture and cage culture. Special pond cultivation: the fish pond area should not be too large, the pond should be thoroughly cleared and disinfected before stocking, mainly by manual feeding. Set cultivation: set cultivation package

    2020-11-08 Mandarin fish high density culture technology four species culture
  • The pre-sale of the sponsored products of the Great Wall Cup World ornamental Fish Championships has begun.

    The pre-sale of the sponsored products of the Great Wall Cup World ornamental Fish Championships has begun.

    Since the start of the Great Wall Cup ornamental Fish Championship, it has quickly become the top ornamental fish competition in the world, with more than 500,000 fish friends and enthusiasts watching the competition online and offline in 2017. In 2018, there are 20 varieties competing on the spot. "the Great Wall Cup.

  • Does tea seed cake need detoxification to clear the pond?

    Does tea seed cake need detoxification to clear the pond?

    Tea seed cake, also known as tea meal, is the residue left after oil extraction of wild camellia oil fruit, which contains 12 Mel 18% tea saponin. Tea saponin is a hemolytic toxin that can dissolve the red blood cells of fish, so it can kill wild fish, Loach, snail, clam, frog eggs, tadpoles and one.

    2020-11-11 Tea seed cake clear pond need detoxify Mo tea seed also called
  • Technique of culturing green grouper in low pond

    Technique of culturing green grouper in low pond

    1. The reconstruction of the low pool selects a low pool with an area of 2000~3335m2, a depth of 1.8m, and a water depth of more than 1.2m. The original soil slope protection around the low pool is retained, and the bottom of the pool is transformed into sand bottom or sand bottom. There are inlets and drains at both ends of the pool, which are maintained per 1000m2.

    2020-11-08 Low pond aquaculture green grouper technology one low
  • Introduction to pond culture techniques of individual large-growing fast catfish

    Introduction to pond culture techniques of individual large-growing fast catfish

    Introduction to pond culture techniques of individual large-growing fast catfish

  • When will the crayfish of the crayfish family be released? How to vote? Mastering these six points will give you high output and high income!

    When will the crayfish of the crayfish family be released? How to vote? Mastering these six points will give you high output and high income!

    Crayfish, also known as procrayfish, red crayfish and freshwater crayfish, have become an important economically farmed species in China in recent years. So when will it be planted? How to plant seedlings? The following is an introduction to one by one, to master these six points to make you high output and high income

    2020-11-11 Crayfish family small lobster when throw seedlings how cast master
  • The scale culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is difficult and the effect of mixed culture is good.

    The scale culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is difficult and the effect of mixed culture is good.

    Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is a benthic omnivorous fish with delicate meat, rich nutrition and high economic value, so it is a cultured species with great market potential. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco has strong adaptability and its growth rate is slower than that of cyprinid fish, but it grows faster for the species itself. the fry propagated in that year can meet the commercial specifications, and the population yield is higher. At present, there are some difficulties in large-scale artificial culture, so it is imperative to carry out mixed culture. Mixed culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in fishing ponds has the following advantages: first, it can feed on small miscellaneous fish and shrimps of low value in the pond.

  • Commonly used pond cleaning drugs and their effects

    Commonly used pond cleaning drugs and their effects

    Medicine cleaning pond is to use drugs to kill all kinds of ferocious fish, wild miscellaneous fish and other enemy organisms that endanger fish, shrimp and crab seedlings in the pond, so as to create a safe environmental condition for seedling breeding, which is an important measure to improve the survival rate of fish, shrimp and crab seedlings. The commonly used pond cleaning drugs and their effects are introduced as follows: 1. Quicklime pond cleaning and its effect: quicklime pond cleaning is a chemical reaction of quicklime after meeting water, producing calcium hydroxide and releasing a large amount of heat energy. Calcium hydroxide is a strong alkali, and its hydroxide ion can make the p of the pool water in a short time.

  • How to raise crocodile turtles

    How to raise crocodile turtles

    Buddha crocodile turtle looks strange, its head is triangular, the top is grayish brown, scattered with small black spots, and several small protrusions are thorny-shaped, the head can not completely shrink into the human shell. At present, breeding miscellaneous Buddha crocodile turtles has become a new favorite of turtles. So, how to raise crocodile turtles?

    2020-11-08 Miscellaneous Buddha crocodile tortoise how raise Buddha crocodile turtle appearance strange its head
  • Feed Saving skills of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Feed Saving skills of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    At present, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is widely cultivated, and it is the main species to increase the income of agriculture and fishery in many places. However, in the process of culture, because of the one-sided pursuit of yield, many farmers do not know how to save feed and constantly put too much feed and fertilizer into the culture water, which not only increases the culture cost, but also deteriorates the water quality. affect the growth of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, resulting in low culture efficiency. How to save feed cost in production practice? Strict cleaning, disinfection and disinfection of ponds can kill wild miscellaneous fish and reduce the number of people fighting for food.

  • Types and usage of commonly used pond cleaning drugs

    Types and usage of commonly used pond cleaning drugs

    Medicine cleaning pond is the use of drugs to kill pathogens, parasites and all kinds of ferocious fish, wild miscellaneous fish and other enemy organisms that harm fish, shrimp and crab seedlings in the pond, so as to avoid affecting the normal growth and development of farmed species due to diseases, so as to improve the efficiency of culture. At present, there are many kinds of clearing pond drugs, but different kinds of drugs have different effects. The commonly used pond cleaning drugs are quicklime, bleach, tea cake, ammonia, Croton, Tangkening and so on. First, quicklime clears the pond with quicklime, that is, calcium oxide, and its clearing function is that quicklime reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide.

  • The artificial culture technology of mandarin fish, which is one of the most valuable fish.

    The artificial culture technology of mandarin fish, which is one of the most valuable fish.

    The artificial culture technology of mandarin fish, which is one of the most valuable fish.

  • Experience of artificial domestication of bait for cultured Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Experience of artificial domestication of bait for cultured Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is a carnivorous fish. in the past, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco mainly lived in ponds and lakes as wild miscellaneous fish. small fish and shrimp, insects and larvae of various aquatic insects (especially mayflies, Chironomus larvae), prawns, small mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates

    2020-11-08 Culture Pelteobagrus fulvidraco bait artificial domesticated experience
  • Tips for making money by raising conventional fish

    Tips for making money by raising conventional fish

    In recent years, the market price of conventional fish has fallen again and again, sometimes even close to the cost price, and mariculturists lose money if they are not careful. Can you still make money from conventional fish farming? The author visited some large fish farmers with better culture benefits, and put forward the following 10 productive suggestions on the basis of their successful experience. With the implementation of the access system of pollution-free agricultural products, people will attach great importance to the production of pollution-free aquatic products. 2. Under normal circumstances, the wild miscellaneous fish in the adult pond should be reared reasonably.
